
Ich bin Professorin an der Technischen Universität Berlin und forsche in den Gebieten

  • Drahtlose Kommunikation in Regelkreisen,
  • Mikro-Energiegewinnung und drahtlose Energieübertragung in regelungstechnischen Anwendungen,
  • Ska­lier­bar­keit dyna­mi­scher Sys­teme,
  • Medizintechnik,
  • Rege­lungs­tech­nik und seine Anwen­dung,
  • Sta­bi­li­tät und Ana­lyse zwei­di­men­sio­na­ler Sys­teme und
  • Hamil­to­ni­sche Systeme.

Aufsätze in Fachzeitschriften

  1. R. Seifullaev, S. Knorn, A. Ahlén and R. Hostettler, „Reinforcement learning based transmission policies for energy harvesting powered sensors“, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2024.
  2. E. Mattern, R. Jackson, R. Doshmanziari, M. Dewitte, D. Varagnolo and S. Knorn, „Emotion Recognition from Physiological Signals Collected with a Wrist Device and Emotional Recall“, Bioengineering, 2023.
  3. F. Paschko, S. Knorn, A. Krini and M. Lemke, „Material flow control in Remanufacturing Systems with random failures and variable processing times“, Journal of Remanufacturing, 2023. Open Access
  4. R. Jackson, D. Varagnolo and S. Knorn, „A Dual Control Approach to Solve Exploration vs. Exploitation Trade-Offs in the Design of Personalized Physical Exercise Sessions“, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023.
  5. R. Seifullaev, S. Knorn and A. Ahlén, „Event-Triggered Control of Systems with Sector Bounded Nonlinearities and Intermittent Packet Transmissions“, Automatica, 2022.
  6. M. Axelson-Fisk and S. Knorn, „Online distributed design for control cost reduction“, Automatica, vol. 141, July 2022.
  7. R. Seifullaev, S. Knorn and A. Ahlén, „Event-triggered transmission policies for harvesting powered sensors with time-varying models“, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 5, no. 4, pages 2139-2149, December 2021.
  8. A. Alhashimi, M. Magnusson, S. Knorn and D. Varagnolo, „Calibrating Range Measurements of Lidars Using Fixed Landmarks in Unknown Positions“, Sensors, 2021.
  9. D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, K. Staffas, E. Fjällström and T. Wrigstad, „Graph-theoretic approaches and tools for quantitatively assessing curricula coherence“, European Journal of Engineering Education, 2020. varagnolo2020
  10. S. Biswas, S. Dey, S. Knorn and A. Ahlén, „On Optimal Quantized Non-Bayesian Quickest Change Detection with Energy Harvesting“, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 4, no. 2, pages 433 – 447, June 2020. biswas2020
  11. A. Ahlén, J. Åkerberg, M. Eriksson, A. J. Isaksson, T. Iwaki, K. H. Johansson, S. Knorn, T. Lindh and H. Sandberg, „Towards Wireless Control in Industrial Process Automation“, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 39, no. 5, pages 36 – 57, October 2019. ahlen2020
  12. S. Knorn, S. Dey, A. Ahlén and D.E. Quevedo, „Optimal Energy Allocation in Multi Sensor Estimation over Wireless Channels using Energy Harvesting and Sharing“, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64, no. 10, pages 4337-4344, October 2019. knorn2019c
  13. R. Seifullaev, S. Knorn and A. Ahlén, „The effect of uniform quantization on parameter estimation of compound distributions“, IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), vol. 3, no. 4, pages 1032-1037, October 2019. seifullaev2019
  14. S. Knorn and A. Teixeira, „Effects of Jamming Attacks on a Control System with Energy Harvesting“, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pages 829-834, October 2019. knorn2019b
  15. S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, R. Melles and M. Dewitte, „Data-driven models of pelvic floor muscles dynamics subject to psychological and physiological stimuli“, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, vol. 8, June 2019. knorn2019a
  16. B. Besselink and S. Knorn, „Scalable input-to-state stability for performance analysis of large-scale networks“, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 2, no. 3, pages 507-512, July 2018. besselink2018
  17. D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, E. Oliver-Chiva, R. Melles and M. Dewitte, „Data-driven modelling of subjective pain/pleasure assessments as responses to vaginal dilation stimuli“, IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 2, no. 3, pages 423-428, July 2018. varagnolo2018
  18. I. Herman, S. Knorn and A. Ahlén, „Disturbance scaling in bidirectional vehicle platoons with different asymmetry in position and velocity coupling“, Automatica, vol. 82, pages 13-20, August 2017. herman2017
  19. S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, R. Melles and M. Dewitte, „Mathematical modelling of pressure versus pain relations in women suffering from dyspareunia“, Journal of Sexual Medicine, vol. 14, no. 5, sup. 4, page e335, May 2017. knorn2017was
  20. S. Knorn and S. Dey, „Optimal energy allocation for linear control with packet loss under energy harvesting constraints“, Automatica, vol. 77, pages 259–267, March 2017. knorn2017a
  21. S. Knorn, Z. Chen and R.H. Middleton, „Overview: Collective Control of Multi-agent Systems“, accepted for publication in  IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 3, no. 4, pages 334-347, December 2016. knorn2016b
  22. S. Knorn and R.H. Middleton, “Asymptotic and Exponential Stability of Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Continuous-Discrete Roesser Models”, Systems and Control Letters, vol. 93, pages 35–42, July 2016.  knorn2016c
  23. S. Knorn and A. Ahlén, “Deviation Bounds in Multi Agent Systems Described by Undirected Graphs”, Automatica, vol. 67, pages 205-210, May 2016. knorn2016a
  24. S. Knorn, A. Donaire, J.C. Agüero and R.H. Middleton, “Scalability of Bidirectional Vehicle Strings with Static and Dynamic Measurement Errors”, Automatica, vol. 62, pages 208-212, December 2015. knorn2015b
  25. S. Knorn, S. Dey, A. Ahlén and D.E. Quevedo, „Distortion Minimization in Multi-Sensor Estimation Using Energy Harvesting and Energy Sharing“, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 11, pages 2848-2863, June 2015. knorn2015a
  26. S. Knorn, A. Donaire, J.C. Agüero and R.H. Middleton, “Passivity-based control for multi-vehicle systems subject to string constraints”, Automatica, vol. 50, no. 12, pages 3224-3230, December 2014. knorn2014
  27. S. Knorn and R.H. Middleton, “Stability of Two-Dimensional Linear Systems with Singularities on the Stability Boundary using LMIs”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 58, no. 10, pages 2579-2590, October 2013. knorn2013
  28. R. Shorten, M. Corless, K. Wulff, S. Klinge, and R.H. Middleton, “Quadratic Stability and Singular SISO Switching Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 54, no. 11, pages 2714-2718, November 2009. shorten2009


  1. S. Knorn and D.E. Quevedo, „Optimal energy allocation in energy harvesting and sharing wireless sensor networks“, in „Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor Networks: Technologies, Components and System Design“ de Gruyter, 2018.


  1. S. Knorn, H. Sánchez, D. Rotondo, D. Varagnolo, J.L. Guzmán, G. Lichtenberg, C. Stoica and A. Visioli, „Quantitative analysis of control-themed Advent calendar questions based on the using-explaining taxonomy“, IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, 2024.
  2. M. Hoffmann and S. Knorn, „Optimization of resource allocation in remanufacturing systems: A labor and automation perspective“, Control Conference Africa, 2024.
  3. F.T. Pouomogne, M.B. Saatsa Tsefack, S. Knorn, H.B. Fotsin, A. Tchagna Kouanou and A.R. Tchamda, „Community Farm monitoring toolkit: Design and implementation of a Low-cost tool for sustainable community based agricultural projects in Africa“, Control Conference Africa, 2024.
  4. M. Axelson-Fisk, G. Lassahn and S. Knorn, „First outlook on a finite gain from L1 to L-infinity“, Control Conference Africa, 2024.
  5. R. Jackson, D. Varagnolo and S. Knorn, „An assessment of engagement, experience, and attitudes after participation in the Girls in Control workshop“, Control Conference Africa, 2024.
  6. S. Knorn, A. Visioli, C. Stoica, G. Lichtenberg, D. Varagnolo, H. S. Sánchez, D. Rotondo and J. L. Guzman, „Santa has Everything under Control: A Control Themed Advent Calendar“, Control Conference Africa, 2024.
  7. R. Jackson, D. Varagnolo, M. Dewitte and S. Knorn, „A switched system for modeling the interaction of pleasure and pain in vaginal dilation exercises“, 12th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, 2024.
  8. S. Knorn, A. Garone, D. Varagnolo and E. Garone, „Sharing and collaborating when teaching automatic control: an experience-based needs analysis“, 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2024.
  9. R.R. Jackson, D. Varagnolo, M. Dewitte and S. Knorn, „Identification of a dynamic model of pain and fear characteristics during vaginal dilation exercises“, European Control Conference, 2024.
  10. M. Engels, G. Lichtenberg and S. Knorn, „An approach to parameter identification for Boolean-structured multilinear time-invariant models“, European Control Conference, 2024.
  11. M. Axelson-Fisk, B. Besselink and S. Knorn, „Dissipativity-based scalable L2-gain analysis for nonlinear networked systems“, European Control Conference, 2024.
  12. M. Bauer, F. Norlund, E. Westin and S. Knorn, „Navigating Language and Terminology in Automatic Control Literature“, 4th IFAC Conference onAdvances in Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control, 2024.
  13. R. Jackson, D. Varagnolo and S. Knorn, „Reinforcement Learning for Exploration vs. Exploitation Problems in Medical Exercise Sessions“, Australian & New Zealand Control Conference, January 2024.
  14. M. Engels, G. Lichtenberg and S. Knorn, „An approach to structured multilinear modeling with relaxed Boolean output functions“, IFAC World Congress, July 2023.
  15. R. Jackson, R. Doshmanziari, D. Varagnolo and S. Knorn, „Data-driven modelling of fatigue effects following repeated muscular contractions“, 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2022.
  16. M. Liotino, A. Garone, S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, E. Garone and M. Fedeli, „Assessing Engineering Exercises: A Novel Taxonomy“, IFAC Advances in Control Education (ACE), July 2022.
  17. S. Knorn, D. Topalovic and D. Varagnolo, „Redesigning a Classic Control Course Using Constructive Alignment, Student Centred Teaching and Continuous Assessment“, IFAC Advances in Control Education (ACE), July 2022.
  18. M. Axelson-Fisk, M. Gentsch, R. Jackson, S. Knorn, L. Paasche, D. Topalovic and S. Voit, „CTRL+ESC: An Escape/exit Room to Teach Control and Its Relevance to an Audience Outside Engineering“, IFAC Advances in Control Education (ACE), July 2022.
  19. M. Axelson-Fisk and S. Knorn, „A graph theoretic approach to ensure a scalable performance measure in Multi-Agent Systems with MIMO agents“, 9th IFAC Conference on Networked Systems NECSYS, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 55, nr. 13, pages 103-108, July 2022.
  20. S. Knorn, A. Ahlén and S. Dey, „Optimal power allocation for harvesting based wireless control systems: To listen or not to listen to channel information“, 9th IFAC Conference on Networked Systems NECSYS, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 55, nr. 13, pages 52-257, July 2022.
  21. R. Jackson, S. Knorn and D. Varagnolo, „An Outline of the Story of Girls in Control and its Success in Motivating Girls Internationally“, 20th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS), 2021.
  22. A. Patel, T. Schenk, S. Knorn, H. Patzlaff, D. Obradovic and A. Botero Halblaub, „Real-time, Simulation-based Identification of Cyber-Security Attacks of Industrial Plants“, IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 2021.
  23. K. Staffas, S. Knorn, A.O.P.C Guerra, D. Varagnolo and A. Teixeira, „Using different taxonomies to formulate learning outcomes to innovate engineering curriculum towards PBL: perspectives from engineering educators“, Educate for the Future: PBL, Sustainability and Digitalisation, Aalborgs Universitetsforlag, p. 310-320, 2020.
  24. A.M.H. Teixeira, A.O.P.D.C. Guerra, S. Knorn, K. Staffas and D. Varagnolo, „Computer-aided curriculum analysis and design: existing challenges and open research directions“, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2020.
  25. M. Axelson-Fisk and S. Knorn, „Aspects of Fairness in Robust, Distributed Control of Interconnected Systems“, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020.
  26. S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, R. Jackson, D. Budgett, J. Kruger and P. M. F. Nielsen, „Online, data-driven detection of human position during Kegel exercising“, IFAC World Congress, July 2020.
  27. S. Knorn and D. Varagnolo, „Automatic control: the natural approach for a quantitative-based personalized education“, IFAC World Congress, July 2020.
  28. E. Wengle, S. Knorn and D. Varagnolo, „COnCUR – COherence in CURricula: A tool to assess, analyze and visualize coherence in higher education curricula“, IFAC World Congress, July 2020.
  29. R. Seifullaev, S. Knorn and A. Ahlén, „A comparative investigation of information loss due to variable quantization on parameter estimation of compound distribution“, IFAC World Congress, July 2020.
  30. S. Knorn and B. Besselink, „Scalable robustness of interconnected systems subject to structural changes“, IFAC World Congress, July 2020.
  31. S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, N. Kask, D. M. Budgett, J. Kruger and P. M. F. Nielsen, „Analysing the effects of biofeedback using control-oriented formalisms: the case of gamified Kegel exercising“, European Control Conference (ECC), June 2020.
  32. N. Kask, D.M. Budgett, J. A. Kruger, P. M. F. Nielsen, D. Varagnolo and S. Knorn, „Data-driven modelling of fatigue in pelvic floor muscles when performing Kegel exercises“, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2019. kask2019cdc
  33. R. Seifullaev, S. Knorn and A. Ahlén, „The effect of uniform quantization on parameter estimation of compound distributions“, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (also IEEE Control Systems Letters), December 2019.
  34. S. Knorn and A. Teixeira, „Effects of Jamming Attacks on a Control System with Energy Harvesting“, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2019.
  35. S. Knorn and K. Staffas, „Adaptation of teaching and assessment to students‘ ambition levels“, 47th SEFI Annual Conference, September 2019.
  36. S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, K. Staffas, T. Wrigstad and E. Fjällström, „Quantitative analysis of curricula coherence using directed graphs“, IFAC Advances in Control Education Symposium (ACE), July 2019.
  37. E. Fjällström, C. Forsberg, F. Trulsson, S. Knorn, K. Staffas, D. Varagnolo and T. Wrigstad, “Courses-Concepts-Graphs as a Tool to Measure the Importance of Concepts in University Programmes”, European Control Conference (ECC), June 2019.
  38. B. Besselink and S. Knorn, „Scalable input-to-state stability for performance analysis of large-scale networks“, 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (also IEEE Control Systems Letters), December 2018.
  39. D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, E. Oliver-Chiva, R. Melles and M. Dewitte, „Data-driven modelling of subjective pain/pleasure assessments as responses to vaginal dilation stimuli“, 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (also IEEE Control Systems Letters), December 2018.
  40. S. Biswas, S. Knorn, S. Dey and A. Ahlén, „Quantized Non-Bayesian Quickest Change Detection with Energy Harvesting“, IEEE Globecom2018 SPC, December 2018.
  41. E. Fjällström, S. Knorn, K. Staffas and D. Varagnolo, „Developing Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineering (CITE): extractable information, early results, and learned lessons“, 12th UKACC International Conference on Control, September 2018.
  42. S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, E. Oliver-Chiva, R. Melles and M. Dewitte, „Data-driven modelling of pelvic floor muscles dynamics“, IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (BMS), September 2018.
  43. D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, E. Oliver-Chiva, R. Melles and M. Dewitte, „Towards the individualization of vaginal dilatation exercises: A Quantitative analysis of the variability of vaginal pressure responses“, ISSM ESSM Annual Meeting, March 2018.
  44. J. Ferguson, A. Donaire, S. Knorn and R.H. Middleton, „Decentralized control for l2 weak string stability of vehicle platoon“, IFAC World Congress, July 2017. ferguson2017ifac
  45. D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, R. Melles and M. Dewitte, „Qualitative modeling of pressure vs. pain relations in women suffering from dyspareunia“, IFAC World Congress, July 2017. varagnolo2017ifac
  46. S. Knorn and S. Dey, „Optimal Sensor Transmission Energy Allocation for Linear Control Over a Packet Dropping Link with Energy Harvesting“, 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), December 2015. knorn2015cdc
  47. S. Knorn and S. Dey, „Optimal Energy Allocation for Linear Control over a Packet-Dropping Link with Energy Harvesting Constraints“, 5th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys), September 2015. knorn2015necsys
  48. S. Knorn, S. Dey, A. Ahlén and D.E. Quevedo, „Multi-Sensor Estimation Using Energy Harvesting and Energy Sharing“, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pages 4229-4234, June 2015. knorn2015icc
  49. S. Knorn and R.H. Middleton, „Lymph compartment models and HIV intra patient infection dynamics“, IEEE Conference on Control Applications, pages 1699-1704, October 2014. knorn2014msc
  50. S. Knorn, A. Donaire, J.C. Agüero and R.H. Middleton, “Scalability of Bidirectional Vehicle Strings with Measurement Errors”, IFAC World Congress, pages 9171-9176, August 2014. knorn2014ifacwc
  51. S. Knorn and R.H. Middleton, “Two-Dimensional Analysis of String Stability of Nonlinear Vehicle Strings”, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 5864-5869, December 2013. knorn2013cdc
  52. S. Knorn, A. Donaire, J.C. Agüero and R.H. Middleton, “Energy-based Control of Bidirectional Vehicle Strings”, 3rd Australian Control Conference (AUCC), pages 251-256, November 2013. knorn2013aucc
  53. S. Knorn and R.H. Middleton, “String Stability Analysis of a Vehicle Platoon with Communication Range 2 Using the Two-Dimensional Induced Operator Norm”, European Control Conference (ECC), pages 3354-3359, July 2013. knorn2013ecc
  54. S. Knorn and R.H. Middleton, “Asymptotic Stability of Two-Dimensional Continuous Roesser Models with Singularities at the Stability Boundary”, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pages 7787–7792, December 2012. knorn2012cdc
  55. S. Knorn and R.H. Middleton, “Two-Dimensional Frequency Domain Analysis of String Stability”, 2nd Australian Control Conference (AUCC), pages 301-306, November 2012. knorn2012aucc
  56. S. Klinge and R.H. Middleton, “Time Headway Requirements for String Stability of Homogeneous Linear Unidirectionally Connected Systems”, Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference (CDC), pages 1992–1997, December 2009. knorn2009cdc
  57. S. Klinge and R.H. Middleton, “String Stability Analysis of Homogeneous Linear Unidirectionally Connected Systems with Nonzero Initial Conditions”, IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference, June 2009. knorn2009issc
  58. R. Shorten, M. Corless, R.H. Middleton, S. Klinge, and K. Wulff, “A Quadratic Stability Result for Singular Switched Systems with Application to Anti-Windup Control”, American Control Conference (ACC), pages 1917–1922, June 2009. shorten2009acc
  59. L. Grigorov, K. Rudie, J.E.R. Cury and S. Klinge, “Template Design and Automatic Generation of Controllers for Industrial Robots”, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March 2008. grigorov2008acmsac